Saturday, December 19, 2015

Christmas Activities at School

Wow!  What a wonderful bunch of activities we got to experience during this last week of school before Christmas!  Beginning with the fun PTL Breakfast on Saturday, December 12, and ending with our class Christmas party on Friday, December 18 we packed a lot in.

Our great staff pose with Santa on Saturday.

Wednesday morning we read Christmas books to the first graders.  A book about the true beginning of Christmas was selected, and another favorite.  First graders read to us too!

No pictures were taken by me, but the Christmas Service program given by the students on Wednesday night was awesome!  Each helped to tell the true story of Christmas.  The songs and readings went with the theme "Out of Darkness."  The candle light song "I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light" sent us out to the world, with Jesus by our side.  We loved being able to help our parents and other guests worship the newborn Jesus!

Thursday meant our bowling field trip which is the culmination of the bowling unit in p.e.  We all improved our scores, and had a fun time dancing as well!

Friday morning was Christmas craft day.  Students tried new skills and brought home crafts to use at home or as gifts.

And last, but not least, we enjoyed a third grade party to end our day on Friday.  A favorite was participating in the Christmas Trim a Tree relay.  What great decorators they are.  :)  We ended the day singing "Oh Come All Ye Faithful."  That is a memory that will stay with me throughout the Christmas season.  What a privilege to sing together and worship Him!

Joy and God's blessings are wished for you in the year of 2016!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Our Thankful Song: With a Glad Heart

The Bible records times of praise and songs.  Today the third graders recorded our own verse of praise for Thanksgiving.  We brainstormed, counted syllables, decided what would rhyme, wrote, edited, and finally all got a chance to sing their verse for our song of praise.  They did a great job!

Title: With a Glad Heart
Tune:  This Old Man, He played One...

1.  Dearest Lord, hear our praise,
For the joys that fill our days.

Refrain:  With a glad heart, praise the Lord, Alleluia sing!
Thanks unto our God we bring!

2. Thank you for all the games
And for all the driving lanes.  (Kal)

3. Thankful for church and schools
I am thankful for my tools.  (Skyler)

4. Thank you for fruits and sweets
And for lunch with good treats.  (Ayanna)

5. Thank you for my new bike
And I ride it while I hike.  (Katie)

6. Thank you for cars and bike
Families that go on a hike.  (Cameron)

7.  Thank you for schools and rules
And our special swimming pools.  (Gina)

8. Thank you for church and school
I can hear a hammer tool.  (Olivia)

9. Thank you for Shopkin toy
Thank you for all the joy.  (Leemari)

10. Thank you for food I choose
Thank you for my new black shoes.  (Alexa)

11. I love church, praise and songs
And heart is where love belongs.  (Katie)

May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving, blessed by your kids who know all blessings come from God our Savior.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


This is a postcard reminder for me, you, and everyone!  Hope to see you in worship each Sunday!  

Saturday, October 17, 2015

SVSU Field Trip

The Kindergarten through fourth grade learned from large group and small group activities.  They also learned about germs, nutrition, and brushing teeth!

Our Classroom Door

I can't wait to see everyone each and every day!  

Monday, October 5, 2015

Papa Noah?

Today we learned that there are a LOT of books out there about Noah and the flood.  One silly cartoonish one was called Papa Noah.  Even the mice were helping build the ark!  While we enjoyed the silliness we also learned a valuable lesson, which is: just because a book is published, doesn't mean it is all true.  

The third graders were great at evaluating these flood accounts.  Last Friday we looked at the account from the Bible which is told in kid language in our book Stories of God and His People.  We noticed that Noah obeyed God, God shut the door of the ark and kept them all safe, the occupants were in the ark for over one year, when they finally got to leave the ark Noah led his family in thanking God for His care, and God set a rainbow in the sky to signify His promise that there would never be another world wide flood.  

Today's lesson had us looking at the various trade books on Noah's ark and evaluating them for accuracy.  That's what you see them doing in the photos below.  They did great!  They noticed that sometimes words were accurate, but not the pictures.  They noticed that some of the books left out the important fact that God directed their actions.  One book had accurate pictures of a large, safe boat, and worshiping God.  What great observation skills!   When we are centered on God's word we will be less likely to be fooled by this world's foolishness.  What a great lesson for the students, for me, and for all God's people!  

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

2015-2016 School Year Welcome

We are almost two weeks into the new school year.  As a veteran teacher I always love getting to know a new group of eager kids, full of hope, energy, and novel ideas.  I've found that students always have lots to share with me and teach me, and I can't wait to share ideas, knowledge, ways of thinking, and especially Christ with them.  I've enjoyed getting to know them already!

Each year we choose a theme for the Bethlehem school year.  This year the theme is taken from
1 John 4:4 which states that Jesus Christ is greater than he who is in the world.  This entity who is in the world is Satan, disguised in many forms.  When we have Christ living inside of us, we are armed with strength to fight against the evil one.  Below is a link to the theme song entitle "Greater" by the group Mercy Me.  I hope you enjoy playing it.  Your child will know the refrain.

One of my favorite times of the school day is when we sing together.  Maybe you'll enjoy learning the refrain of this song and can use it in family devotions or just anytime.  Maybe while doing the dishes or cleaning up a room?

I hope to get to know many of you this year.  We can get better acquainted at PTL  (Open House is Tuesday, September 15), worship, volunteer activities, and when dropping off your child at school.  Drop in to say hi!  Sue Brandt

Monday, June 1, 2015


Monday, June 1:  A great time was had by everyone while writing a puppet play, designing a puppet, and performing the play for the class.  The students have learned so much about writing, story form, art, and cooperating with a group.  It was a great afternoon!