Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Life of the Party Musical

The musical on March 27 was a great success!  Each participant did a great job of helping tell the story of Mary, Martha, Lazarus and Jesus.  Working together to witness to the audience how Jesus stands with us in our life's journey was a such a privilege.  I had a corner view from the stage to take a few pictures which you'll see below.  I'm still singing the catchy songs in my head-are you too?

The Chemist and the Architect

On Monday, March 23 the third grade traveled to Midland for a wonderful two part field trip that was not only enjoyable, but solidified many social studies outcomes and objectives as well.  The morning was spend learning about Herbert H. Dow the chemist who began the Dow Chemical Company.  Review of capitol, natural and human resources was incorporated into the tour.  The picture shows an experiment we all participated with.  The afternoon was spent

at the Alden B. Dow home, designed by Alden for his family and for work.  This home has all the elements of fun for kids!  Afterwards groups of students designed a home for a fictional family and explained the ideas to the class.